Message from Pak Mie.
Update: Paypal
has discontinued their service with Pak Mie. According to them, his
account registered as an individual does not qualify him to receive
money as "donation" as he is not registered in Malaysia as a charity
Stay strong and keep doing what you do best. Do not worry about Paypal. Donations will come with or without it. ♥
Assalammualaikum semua.. Pak Mie nak maklumkan
yang PayPal Pak Mie terpaksa ditutup oleh pihak Paypal kerana menurut
mereka pakmie adalah non-profit organization, kepada yang telah
menderma menerusi Paypal Pakmie ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang tak
terhingga.. kepada yang ingin menderma melalui Paypal, diharap
bersabar sementara kami cuba untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini,
I believe this is not a real letter from Paypal. I believe this is a scam letter from someone pretending to be working for Paypal.
ReplyDeleteI suggest you contact PayPal and set up a proper account to accept contributions.
Very Best Wishes and Thank you for taking care of the Animals. As soon as you get your new account, I am sure you will get the contributions you need. I am quite certain the prior email is a fake.
Saya percaya ini bukan huruf sebenar dari PayPal. Saya percaya ini adalah surat penipuan daripada seseorang berpura-pura bekerja untuk PayPal. Saya bimbang mereka cuba untuk mendapatkan wang dari akaun anda entah bagaimana.